The Pards

Cowboy Balladeers

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Music Of The Pards


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The Pards
Cowboy Balladeers!

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Howdy Pard!
San Angelo, Texas - The history and the music of the Old West have influenced the cowboy duo Pards, featuring Roger Banks, Hayden Whittington and Dave Casey. In helping to keep that old west spirit alive, they sing authentic trail songs from the late 1800's to the harmony of the Western movies. They even recite humorous poetry rustled from some best cowboy poets around today!

E-Mail The Pards

San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
* (325) 655-4136
Historic Fort Concho
* Robert Bluthardt (325) 481-2646

Order The Music Of The Pards!
All of The Pards music and poetry can be ordered in both CD's and Tapes. Check out the catalog by clicking the link on the left.
Contact the Pards... You'll be glad you did!